Monthly Archives: November 2014

Marblehead Women Wins 2014 Stevie Award

A Marblehead resident just won a 2014 Stevie Award medal in the category of “Marketing Communications/PR Campaign of the Year – Business to Business.

Karen DelPrete, 25, was the winner. The Stevie Awards for Women in Business recognizes the achievement of women in business and the companies they represent. On November 14th, DelPrete was honored for her leadership and innovation at a ceremony in NYC. She was honored for her contribution in EMC’s federal health-care big-impact program called “The Big Data Cure.”

First Annual Full Hearts 5K

On November 16th, the Fit Girls Run Club of Marblehead had their first annual Full Hearts 5K at the Village School. Of the proceeds from the event went to their program to promote a healthy lifestyle through running, community service and reading.

175 girls showed up in total to run the 5K both from Marblehead and Swampscott. Marathon sponsors included the Marblehead Opticians, B&S Fitness and Friends of Marblehead Public Schools. Other sponsors include the National Grand Bank and the Haynes Design. For the 10K sponsors included the Marblehead Bank, Precision Motor Works, Ford Painting, Swampscott Soccer Association and more.

Care Packages for Our Troops

Recently at the Tower School in Marblehead they held a Friends of Our Troops event. This is an annual community service event that supports our troops by creating care packages and thank-you letters. The Tower School students were joined by other students who are part of Friends of Children-Boston to create 150 care packages. These packages were sent to US troops overseas and will be received, hopefully, before the holidays.

As Don Souter, a Tower parent, said, “Tower School is committed to providing opportunities for students to contribute meaningfully within their school, community and the world. Working with Friends of Children-Boston, an organization that has done so much to help the students of Boston, provides opportunities for Tower students to build lasting friendships across communities and creates wonderful community-service activities — helping to let our troops know that we care.”

As the Friends of Children-Boston Executive Director Michelle Harrington said, “We are incredibly grateful to the Tower School community for making these service events possible. This partnership allows children from different communities to learn from each other and give back together.”

Theatre Opportunity

For all the actors out there – the Story Theatre is having a workshop for girls and boys 6-10 on Sunday December 7th from 1:30-5pm. It will take place at the Chabad at the North Shore in Swampscott.

The children in the workshop will create short plays from children’s story books and will also learn some acting skills. They will work on strengthening their concentration and on developing their imaginations, in addition to other techniques.

At the end of the session, the plays they create will be performed for parents, relatives and friends. Miriam Eyges, who is the producing director of the Theatre of Light, will run the workshop. The enrollment will be limited to $10 kids and there will be a small fee of $45 to participate. Check it out here for more information:

Nominate Your Favorite Harbor Hero!

Do you know a Harbor Hero? The Marblehead Harbor Rotarians are looking for students whose deeds and contributions to the community are worth recognition. Anyone in town can nominate a student. As chairperson Judith Black explained, the recipients have to be in grades 4-12 and either live in Marblehead or attend school there. They should have demonstrated service above self, improving the lives of others, or bringing important issues to the attention of people and then offering solutions.

Last year, the Harbor Hero was Jacob Abbisso. He found a clever way to raise money for the Marblehead Animal Shelter by making balloon animals at parties. Two years ago, the Harbor Hero was Maisie Kate Miller who stood up to bullying. The student who is picked will get an award in front of classmates and then be publicly recognized in the Marblehead Reporter and on MHTV.

Here is the nomination form:

The Marblehead Traveler

On November 9th, Bob Newman who grew up in Marblehead will be at the Abbot Public Library to discuss his new book.

Newman has globetrotted around the world. After college he was in the Peace Corps for two years in India and became an anthropologist. He taught at an Australian university for 16 years and then returned to Marblehead to teach English as a second language to the new Russian immigrant community on the North Shore.

The book is a collection of 29 stories that are autobiographical. Readers of “Marblehead Traveler” will find stories set in Marblehead, India, Australia, Thailand, Korea, Ireland and other areas.

Everyone is invited to the book reading on November 9th.