Missing Dogs Massachusetts: A Great Service

If you are a dog owner in the Marblehead area, then you should know about Missing Dogs Massachusetts. The site started to operate on January 1 and it can help people to find their missing animal. They have a Facebook page where they will publicize your loss, they can create a missing flyer for you and they can offer other helpful tips.

In the first week or their operation, Missing Dogs Massachusetts reunited 16 lost dogs with their families. The group came about from a larger site called Granite State Dog Recovery, that posts about lost and found dogs throughout New England.

Both board members and volunteers from Granite State Dog Recovery started to think they needed a smaller radius for another site after seeing “literally thousands of dogs missing” in Massachusetts said Beth Corr, president of Missing Gods Massachusett’s Board.

There are eight volunteers who make up the Missing Dog Massachusetts’ board at the moment. They include a retired state police member, an animal control officer and a former animal rescue group president. Corr runs a kennel service and a homemade dog biscuit line in Newton that is called Wag Tail Farms. They use primarily social media channels to try to reunite missing dogs with their owners. In the first week of their business, they got 6,900 Facebook followers.